Analyzing and interpreting spatial and temporal variability of the United States county population distributions using Taylor's law

Autoři: Meng Xu aff001;  Joel E. Cohen aff002
Působiště autorů: Department of Mathematics, Pace University, New York, New York, United States of America aff001;  Laboratory of Populations, The Rockefeller University and Columbia University, New York, New York, United States of America aff002;  Earth Institute and Department of Statistics, Columbia University, New York, New York, United States of America aff003;  Department of Statistics, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United States of America aff004
Vyšlo v časopise: PLoS ONE 14(12)
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0226096


We study the spatial and temporal variation of the human population in the United States (US) counties from 1790 to 2010, using an ecological scaling pattern called Taylor's law (TL). TL states that the variance of population abundance is a power function of the mean population abundance. Despite extensive studies of TL for non-human populations, testing and interpreting TL using data on human populations are rare. Here we examine three types of TL that quantify the spatial and temporal variation of US county population abundance. Our results show that TL and its quadratic extension describe the mean-variance relationship of county population distribution well. The slope and statistics of TL reveal economic and demographic trends of the county populations. We propose TL as a useful statistical tool for analyzing human population variability. We suggest new ways of using TL to select and make population projections.

Klíčová slova:

Population growth – Census – United States – Population density – Urban areas – Test statistics – Norwegian people


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