Assessment of the role of Trichomonas tenax in the etiopathogenesis of human periodontitis: A systematic review
C. Bisson aff001; S. M. Dridi aff003; M. Machouart aff001
Působiště autorů:
Stress, Immunity, Pathogens Laboratory, EA7300 Lorraine University, Faculty of Medicine, Vandoeuvre- lès- Nancy, France
aff001; CHU Odontologie de Nancy - Department of Periodontology– Rue du Docteur Heydenreich, Nancy, University Lorraine, France
aff002; CHU Odontologie de Nice -Department of periodontology- CHU Saint Roch – Department of Periodontology, Nice, France
aff003; CHU Brabois, Parasitology - Mycology Laboratory, CHU Nancy-Brabois, Vandoeuvre-les -Nancy, France
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(12)
Research Article
This systematic review was to assess the presence of Trichomonas tenax in patients with periodontitis and to elucidate its potential role in the onset and development of this disease.
Systematic review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines and by consulting the five databases: Medline, Science Direct, Web of Science, Dentistry and Oral Science Sources and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Following Koch’s postulates revisited by Socransky as PICO framework, this collection data was only including full text of clinical trials concerning patients with periodontitis, case-reports and in vitro research published between 1960 and March 2019.
On the 376 studies identified, only 25 fulfilled our eligible criteria. Most of these studies were in vitro research articles designed to evaluate potential virulence factors, and others were clinical trials (case-control studies, randomized controlled trial) and case-reports. The analysis of these papers has shown that i) Trichomonas tenax is more frequently detected in dental biofilm from sites with periodontitis than in healthy sites; ii) this live flagellate seems capable of producing diverse enzymes that could participate in periodontal breakdown and has the capacity to adhere to epithelial cells, its lysed form could induce the synthesis of IL-8 from macrophage cell lines; iii) the impact of non-surgical treatment of periodontitis have not been thoroughly evaluated on the presence of T. tenax
This systematic review has reported the presence of T. tenax more frequently in diseased than healthy sites and the capacity of this flagellate to synthesis enzymes which could participate to the degradation of periodontal tissues. Nevertheless, these data do not meet all the postulates and are not enough to provide firm conclusions about the role of T. tenax in the etiopathogenesis of periodontitis.
Klíčová slova:
Virulence factors – Protozoans – Proteases – Trichomonas vaginalis – Cytotoxicity – Pathogenesis – Periodontitis – Periodontal diseases
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