Cognitive bias modification for energy drink cues
Eva Kemps aff001; Marika Tiggemann aff001; Mikaela Cibich aff001; Aleksandra Cabala aff001
Působiště autorů:
School of Psychology, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(12)
Research Article
Energy drink consumption is increasing worldwide, especially among young adults, and has been associated with physical and mental health problems. In two experiments, we tested the prediction that energy drink consumption is in part driven by biased cognitive processing (attentional and approach biases), with a view to modifying these to reduce consumption. Young adults (18–25 years) who regularly consume energy drinks completed the dot probe (Exp.1; N = 116) or approach-avoidance task (Exp.2; N = 110) to measure attentional and approach bias for energy drink cues, respectively. They then underwent a cognitive bias modification protocol where they were trained to direct their attention away from pictures of energy drink cans (Exp.1), or to push a joystick away from themselves in response to these pictures (Exp.2). Following a post-training assessment of attentional (Exp.1) or approach bias (Exp.2), energy drink consumption was measured by an ostensible taste test. Regular energy drink consumers showed both an attentional and an approach bias for energy drink cues. Cognitive bias modification successfully reduced both biases. However, neither attentional nor approach bias modification significantly reduced energy drink intake. The results lend some support to incentive sensitisation theory which emphasises the role of biased decision-making processes related to addictive behaviours.
Klíčová slova:
Alcohol consumption – Beverages – Mental health and psychiatry – Caffeine – Addiction – Attention – Decision making – Chocolate
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