Heat-induced hyperthermia impacts the follicular fluid proteome of the periovulatory follicle in lactating dairy cows

Autoři: Louisa A. Rispoli aff001;  J. Lannett Edwards aff001;  Ky G. Pohler aff001;  Stephen Russell aff002;  Richard I. Somiari aff002;  Rebecca R. Payton aff001;  F. Neal Schrick aff001
Působiště autorů: Department of Animal Science, The University of Tennessee, Institute of Agriculture, AgResearch, Knoxville, TN, United States of America aff001;  ITSI–Biosciences, LLC, Johnstown, PA, United States of America aff002
Vyšlo v časopise: PLoS ONE 14(12)
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0227095


We hypothesized that heat-induced perturbations in cumulus cells surrounding the maturing oocyte may extend to the mural granulosa of the periovulatory follicle in the heat-stressed cow to subsequently the follicular fluid proteome. Lactating Holsteins were pharmacologically stimulated to have a dominant follicle that was capable of responding to a gonadotropin releasing hormone-induced luteinizing hormone surge. Following gonadotropin releasing hormone administration, cows were maintained at ~67 temperature humidity index (THI; thermoneutral conditions) or exposed to conditions simulating an acute heat stress event (71 to 86 THI; heat stress for ~12 h). Dominant follicle collection was conducted in the periovulatory period ~16 h after gonadotropin releasing hormone. Follicular fluid proteome from thermoneutral (n = 5) and hyperthermic (n = 5) cows was evaluated by quantitative tandem mass spectrometry (nano LC-MS/MS). We identified 35 differentially-abundant proteins. Functional annotation revealed numerous immune-related proteins. Subsequent efforts revealed an increase in levels of the proinflammatory mediator bradykinin in follicular fluid (P = 0.0456) but not in serum (P = 0.9319) of hyperthermic cows. Intrafollicular increases in transferrin (negative acute phase protein) in hyperthermic cows (P = 0.0181) coincided with a tendency for levels to be increased in the circulation (P = 0.0683). Nine out of 15 cytokines evaluated were detected in follicular fluid. Heat stress increased intrafollicular interleukin 6 levels (P = 0.0160). Whether hyperthermia-induced changes in the heat-stressed cow’s follicular fluid milieu reflect changes in mural granulosa, cumulus, other cell types secretions, and/or transudative changes from circulation remains unclear. Regardless of origin, heat stress/hyperthermia related changes in the follicular fluid milieu may have an impact on components important for ovulation and competence of the cumulus-oocyte complex contained within the periovulatory follicle.

Klíčová slova:

Cytokines – Progesterone – Proteomes – Interleukins – Hyperthermia – Keratins – Oocytes – Follicular fluid


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