Development of a multi-locus typing scheme for an Enterobacteriaceae linear plasmid that mediates inter-species transfer of flagella
James Robertson aff001; Janet Lin aff001; Amie Wren-Hedgus aff001; Gitanjali Arya aff001; Catherine Carrillo aff002; John H. E. Nash aff003
Působiště autorů:
National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
aff001; Ottawa Laboratory (Carling), Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
aff002; National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(11)
Research Article
Due to the public health importance of flagellar genes for typing, it is important to understand mechanisms that could alter their expression or presence. Phenotypic novelty in flagellar genes arise predominately through accumulation of mutations but horizontal transfer is known to occur. A linear plasmid termed pBSSB1 previously identified in Salmonella Typhi, was found to encode a flagellar operon that can mediate phase variation, which results in the rare z66 flagella phenotype. The identification and tracking of homologs of pBSSB1 is limited because it falls outside the normal replicon typing schemes for plasmids. Here we report the generation of nine new pBSSB1-family sequences using Illumina and Nanopore sequence data. Homologs of pBSSB1 were identified in 154 genomes representing 25 distinct serotypes from 67,758 Salmonella public genomes. Pangenome analysis of pBSSB1-family contigs was performed using roary and we identified three core genes amenable to a minimal pMLST scheme. Population structure analysis based on the newly developed pMLST scheme identified three major lineages representing 35 sequence types, and the distribution of these sequence types was found to span multiple serovars across the globe. This in silico pMLST scheme has shown utility in tracking and subtyping pBSSB1-family plasmids and it has been incorporated into the plasmid MLST database under the name “pBSSB1-family”.
Klíčová slova:
Sequence assembly tools – Sequence analysis – Sequence databases – Plasmid construction – Plasmids – Flagella – Salmonella – Salmonella typhi
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