CRISPR-Cas9 modified bacteriophage for treatment of Staphylococcus aureus induced osteomyelitis and soft tissue infection
Leah H. Cobb aff001; JooYoun Park aff002; Elizabeth A. Swanson aff003; Mary Catherine Beard aff001; Emily M. McCabe aff001; Anna S. Rourke aff001; Keun Seok Seo aff002; Alicia K. Olivier aff004; Lauren B. Priddy aff001
Působiště autorů:
Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, Mississippi, United States of America
aff001; Department of Basic Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, Mississippi, United States of America
aff002; Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, Mississippi, United States of America
aff003; Department of Pathobiology and Population Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, Mississippi, United States of America
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(11)
Research Article
Osteomyelitis, or bone infection, is often induced by antibiotic resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains of bacteria. Although debridement and long-term administration of antibiotics are the gold standard for osteomyelitis treatment, the increase in prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacterial strains limits the ability of clinicians to effectively treat infection. Bacteriophages (phages), viruses that in a lytic state can effectively kill bacteria, have gained recent attention for their high specificity, abundance in nature, and minimal risk of host toxicity. Previously, we have shown that CRISPR-Cas9 genomic editing techniques could be utilized to expand temperate bacteriophage host range and enhance bactericidal activity through modification of the tail fiber protein. In a dermal infection study, these CRISPR-Cas9 phages reduced bacterial load relative to unmodified phage. Thus we hypothesized this temperate bacteriophage, equipped with the CRISPR-Cas9 bactericidal machinery, would be effective at mitigating infection from a biofilm forming S. aureus strain in vitro and in vivo. In vitro, qualitative fluorescent imaging demonstrated superiority of phage to conventional vancomycin and fosfomycin antibiotics against S. aureus biofilm. Quantitative antibiofilm effects increased over time, at least partially, for all fosfomycin, phage, and fosfomycin-phage (dual) therapeutics delivered via alginate hydrogel. We developed an in vivo rat model of osteomyelitis and soft tissue infection that was reproducible and challenging and enabled longitudinal monitoring of infection progression. Using this model, phage (with and without fosfomycin) delivered via alginate hydrogel were successful in reducing soft tissue infection but not bone infection, based on bacteriological, histological, and scanning electron microscopy analyses. Notably, the efficacy of phage at mitigating soft tissue infection was equal to that of high dose fosfomycin. Future research may utilize this model as a platform for evaluation of therapeutic type and dose, and alternate delivery vehicles for osteomyelitis mitigation.
Klíčová slova:
Staphylococcus aureus – Antibiotics – Bacteriophages – Bacterial biofilms – Gels – Osteomyelitis – Vancomycin – Soft tissue infections
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