Cerebellum-mediated trainability of eye and head movements for dynamic gazing
Akiyoshi Matsugi aff001; Naoki Yoshida aff002; Satoru Nishishita aff002; Yohei Okada aff004; Nobuhiko Mori aff006; Kosuke Oku aff001; Shinya Douchi aff008; Koichi Hosomi aff006; Youichi Saitoh aff006
Působiště autorů:
Faculty of Rehabilitation, Shijonawate Gakuen University, Hojo, Daitou City, Osaka, Japan
aff001; Department of Research, Institute of Rehabilitation Science, Tokuyukai Medical Corporation, Sakuranocho, Toyonaka City, Osaka, Japan
aff002; Department of Rehabilitation, Kansai Rehabilitation Hospital, Sakuranocho, Toyonaka City, Osaka, Japan
aff003; Faculty of Health Science, Kio University, Umami-naka, Koryo-cho, Kitakatsuragi-gun, Nara, Japan
aff004; Neurorehabilitation Research Center of Kio University, Koryo-cho, Kitakatsuragi-gun, Nara, Japan
aff005; Department of Neuromodulation and Neurosurgery, Office for University-Industry Collaboration, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
aff006; Department of Neurosurgery, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka, Japan
aff007; Department of Rehabilitation, National Hospital Organization Kyoto Medical Center, Hukakusamukaihatacyo, Husimi-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto, Japan
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(11)
Research Article
To investigate whether gaze stabilization exercises (GSEs) improve eye and head movements and whether low-frequency cerebellar repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) inhibits GSE trainability.
25 healthy adults (real rTMS, n = 12; sham rTMS, n = 13) were recruited. Real or sham rTMS was performed for 15 min (1 Hz, 900 stimulations). The center of the butterfly coil was set 1 cm below the inion in the real rTMS. Following stimulation, 10 trials of 1 min of a GSE were conducted at 1 min intervals. In the GSE, the subjects were instructed to stand upright and horizontally rotate their heads according to a beeping sound corresponding to 2 Hz and with a gaze point ahead of them. Electrooculograms were used to estimate the horizontal gaze direction of the right eye, and gyroscopic measurements were performed to estimate the horizontal head angular velocity during the GSE trials. The percentage change from the first trial of motion range of the eye and head was calculated for each measurement. The percent change of the eye/head range ratio was calculated to assess the synchronous changes of the eye and head movements as the exercise increased.
Bayesian two-way analysis of variance showed that cerebellar rTMS affected the eye motion range and eye/head range ratio. A post hoc comparison (Bayesian t-test) showed evidence that the eye motion range and eye/head range ratio were reduced in the fifth, sixth, and seventh trials compared with the first trial sham stimulation condition.
GSEs can modulate eye movements with respect to head movements, and the cerebellum may be associated with eye–head coordination trainability for dynamic gazing during head movements.
Klíčová slova:
Analysis of variance – Eyes – Vision – Transcranial magnetic stimulation – Eye movements – Cerebellum – Reflexes – Moths and butterflies
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