The effects of prolonged single night session of videogaming on sleep and declarative memory
Miria Hartmann aff001; Michael Alexander Pelzl aff001; Peter Herbert Kann aff002; Ulrich Koehler aff001; Manfred Betz aff003; Olaf Hildebrandt aff001; Werner Cassel aff001
Působiště autorů:
Department of Pneumology, Intensive Care and Sleep Medicine, Philipps-University, Marburg, Germany
aff001; Centre for Endocrinology, Diabetology & Osteology, Philipps-University, Marburg, Germany
aff002; Faculty of Health Science, University of Applied Sciences, Gießen, Germany
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(11)
Research Article
Use of electronic media is widespread among adolescents. Many male adolescents spend a major part of their evenings playing video games. The increased exposure to artificial light as well as the exciting nature of this pastime is under suspicion to impair sleep. Sleep is considered to be important for memory consolidation, so there is also a potential risk for memory impairment due to video gaming. As learning and gaining knowledge is a very important part of adolescence, we decided to study the effects of prolonged video gaming on sleep and memory. The study was structured in a repeated measures design. Eighteen male participants played either the violent video game “Counter Strike: Global Offensive” or the board game “Monopoly” for five hours each on two Saturday nights. The game evenings were followed by sleep studies. Memory testing and vigilance evaluation was performed the next morning. During the course of the study, saliva samples were taken to determine melatonin and cortisol levels. The results of this crossover study showed slightly reduced sleep efficiency after “Counter Strike: Global Offensive” (-3.5%, p = .017) and impaired declarative memory recall (p = .005) compared to “Monopoly”. Melatonin levels at bedtime were lower after “Counter Strike: Global Offensive” (p = .005), cortisol levels were elevated while playing the video game (p = .031). Negative effects on sleep were not strong but consistent with more wake after sleep onset (+12 min) and a higher arousal index after “Counter Strike: Global Offensive”. We conclude that excessive video gaming in the evening can contribute to worsened sleep and impaired memory in male adolescents.
Klíčová slova:
Learning – Games – Cortisol – Memory recall – Sleep – Video games – Melatonin – Monopolies
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