The bacterial community in potato is recruited from soil and partly inherited across generations
Franziska Buchholz aff001; Livio Antonielli aff001; Tanja Kostić aff001; Angela Sessitsch aff001; Birgit Mitter aff001
Působiště autorů:
Center for Health & Bioresources, Bioresources Unit, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Tulln, Austria
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(11)
Research Article
Strong efforts have been made to understand the bacterial communities in potato plants and the rhizosphere. Research has focused on the effect of the environment and plant genotype on bacterial community structures and dynamics, while little is known about the origin and assembly of the bacterial community, especially in potato tubers. The tuber microbiota, however, may be of special interest as it could play an important role in crop quality, such as storage stability. Here, we used 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing to study the bacterial communities that colonize tubers of different potato cultivars commonly used in Austrian potato production over three generations and grown in different soils. Statistical analysis of sequencing data showed that the bacterial community of potato tubers has changed over generations and has become more similar to the soil bacterial community, while the impact of the potato cultivar on the bacterial assemblage has lost significance over time. The communities in different tuber parts did not differ significantly, while the soil bacterial community showed significant differences to the tuber microbiota composition. Additionally, the presence of OTUs in subsequent tuber generation points to vertical transmission of a subset of the tuber microbiota. Four OTUs were common to all tuber generations and all potato varieties. In summary, we conclude that the microbiota of potato tubers is recruited from the soil largely independent from the plant variety. Furthermore, the bacterial assemblage in potato tubers consists of bacteria transmitted from one tuber generation to the next and bacteria recruited from the soil.
Klíčová slova:
Bacteria – Agricultural soil science – Microbiome – Permutation – Seeds – Potato – Ribosomal RNA – Tubers
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