Effect of self-rated health status on functioning difficulties among older adults in Ghana: Coarsened exact matching method of analysis of the World Health Organization’s study on global AGEing and adult health, Wave 2
John Tetteh aff001; Robert Kogi aff003; Anita Ohenewa Yawson aff004; George Mensah aff001; Richard Biritwum aff001; Alfred Edwin Yawson aff001
Působiště autorů:
Department of Community Health, School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana
aff001; National Cardiothoracic Centre, Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana
aff002; Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Health and Allied Sciences, Hohoe, Ghana
aff003; Department of Anesthesia, Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana
aff004; Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, College of Health Sciences, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(11)
Research Article
Functional difficulty assessment has been proven as a key factor in the health evaluation of adults. Previous studies have shown a reduction in health and functional difficulties with increasing age. This analysis was conducted to quantify the effect of poor self-rated health on functional difficulty among older adults in Ghana.
This analysis was based on the World Health Organization Study on Global AGEing and Adult Health in Ghana for older adults 50 years and above. Fifteen standard functioning difficulty tools were extracted and used for the analysis. Three predictive models with the Coarsened Exact Matching method involving Negative Binomial, Logistics and Ordered logistic regression were performed using Stata 14.
Overall, the prevalence of poor Self-rated health was 34.9% and that of functional difficulties among older adults in Ghana was 69.4%. Female sex, increasing age, being separated, having no religious affiliation, not currently working and being underweight were associated with and significantly influence poor Self-rated health [AOR(95%CI)p-value = 1.41(1.08–1.83)0.011, 3.85(2.62–5.64)0.000, 1.45(1.08–1.94)0.013, 2.62(1.68–4.07)0.000, 2.4(1.85–3.12)0.000 and 1.39(1.06–1.81)0.017 respectively]. In addition, poor Self-rated health and geographical location (rural vs. urban)significantly influence functioning difficulties among older adults in Ghana as predicted by the three models [Negative Binomial: PR(95%CI) = 1.62(1.43–1.82), Binary logistic: AOR(95%CI) = 3.67(2.79–4.81) and ordered logistic: AOR(95%CI) = 2.53(1.14–2.03)].
Poor SRH is more pronounced among older adult females in Ghana. Some determinants of poor SRH include; age, geographical location (urban vs. rural), marital status, religion, and employment status. This provides pointers to important socio-demographic determinants with implications on the social function of older adults in line with the theme of the national aging policy of 2010, ‘ageing with security and dignity’ and ultimately in the national quest to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
Klíčová slova:
Mental health and psychiatry – Emotions – Aging – Elderly – Behavioral and social aspects of health – Ghana – Religion – Global health
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