Operation of cognitive memory inhibition in adults with Down syndrome: Effects of maintenance load and material
Elena Palomino aff001; José María López-Frutos aff001; María Sotillo aff001
Působiště autorů:
Department of Basic Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Autonomous University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(11)
Research Article
Cognitive inhibition is one of the executive functions; this process over memory plays a fundamental role in recalling relevant information. The aims of this study were to understand the effects of maintenance load and stimuli on the operation of cognitive inhibition over memory in working memory tasks in adults with Down syndrome.
The study included 36 individuals with Down syndrome (mean age = 33.44 years, standard deviation = 7.54 years, 50% women) and 36 individuals with neurotypical development (mean age = 33.55 years, standard deviation = 7.52 years, 50% women). The participants performed a working memory task in which they had to solve an interference problem during the maintenance phase.
The Down syndrome group performed worse on cognitive inhibition over memory than the neurotypical development group. Both groups had lower recall with interference and under high-load conditions. In the neurotypical development group, memory was similar with both materials. The Down syndrome group performed better with non-social stimuli than with social stimuli.
Understanding the variables that influence cognitive inhibition over memory will help in planning effective interventions for people with Down syndrome. Considering the results, special importance should be placed on work with social stimuli, at least in individuals with Down syndrome.
Klíčová slova:
Cognition – Memory – Face recognition – Neuropsychological testing – Working memory – Neuropsychology – Memory recall – Down syndrome
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