Towards successful business process improvement – An extension of change acceleration process model
Maha Syed Ibrahim aff001; Aamer Hanif aff002; Faheem Qaisar Jamal aff003; Ali Ahsan aff004
Působiště autorů:
Department of Business and Engineering Management, Sir Syed CASE Institute of Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
aff001; School of Management (AUSOM), Air University, Islamabad, Pakistan
aff002; Department of Engineering Management, NUST College of E&ME, Islamabad, Pakistan
aff003; Faculty of Management Sciences, Foundation University Islamabad, Islamabad, Pakistan
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(11)
Research Article
Change Acceleration Process model (CAP) emerged in early 90's as a set of principles for accelerating change management efforts in organizations. Business Process Improvement (BPI) projects open avenues of opportunity and success for organizations in this highly competitive era. However, most of these projects fail due to lack of commitment, communication, scope creep and inadequate resources. This research attempts to study industry relevant factors most critical to success of a BPI Project in the highly competitive telecom sector. Modified Delphi technique employing a panel of telecom professionals was adopted in order to determine the critical success factors (CSFs) after a thorough review of the literature. Exploratory factor analysis was performed to map extracted factors to the five agents of change. Research outcome defines the relevant CSFs in terms of vision, skills, incentives, resources and action plan. A significant contribution of this research is an extended CAP model for implementation of BPI projects. Practical implications of this research are utilization of the proposed model for BPI project success.
Klíčová slova:
Social communication – Employment – Questionnaires – Factor analysis – Telecommunications – Research validity – Industrial organization – Pakistan
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