Correction: Combining biophysical parameters, spectral indices and multivariate hyperspectral models for estimating yield and water productivity of spring wheat across different agronomic practices

Authors: Salah El-Hendawy;  Nasser Al-Suhaibani;  Salah Elsayed;  Yahya Refay;  Majed Alotaibi;  Yaser Hassan Dewir;  Wael Hassan;  Urs Schmidhalter
Published in the journal: PLoS ONE 14(11)
Category: Correction
doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0225294

There is an error in affiliation 3 for author Salah Elsayed. The correct affiliation 3 is: Evaluation of Natural Resources Department, Environmental Studies and Research Institute, University of Sadat City, Menoufia, Egypt.


1. El-Hendawy S, Al-Suhaibani N, Elsayed S, Refay Y, Alotaibi M, et al. (2019) Combining biophysical parameters, spectral indices and multivariate hyperspectral models for estimating yield and water productivity of spring wheat across different agronomic practices. PLoS ONE 14(3): e0212294. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0212294 30840631

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2019 Číslo 11
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