Healthcare needs and programmatic gaps in transition from pediatric to adult care of vertically transmitted HIV infected adolescents in India
Archana Verma aff001; Seema Sahay aff001
Působiště autorů:
Division of Social and Behavioral Research, Indian Council of Medical Research-National AIDS Research Institute (ICMR-NARI), Pune, India
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(10)
Research Article
Treatment transition for 'adolescents living with perinatally acquired HIV' (ALPH) from paediatric to adult care is not addressed adequately. This study explores the ALPH's health care needs and programmatic gaps in health systems for the care of ALPH in India. Forty-nine in-depth interviews were conducted with purposively selected primary and key stakeholders in India. Thematic analysis utilizing grounded theory was performed in QSR NUD*IST 6. Stakeholders explicitly recognized adolescent HIV to be a critical public health issue which requires a separate mandate in India. It was found that none of the health policies in India focus on adolescent age group; ALPH is therefore even more neglected population. No/partial HIV disclosure to ALPH is the first crisis for retention in care continuum and adherence to the treatment becomes sub-optimal. Unmet needs of transitioning from paediatric to adult care in existing settings was the major gap. Age-specific counselling guidelines and counselling skills among HCPs were found lacking where tailored counseling and capacity building of HCPs was an expectation. Need of holistic approach for adolescents led to consensus on establishing 'adolescent transition clinic' with a strict 'no' for 'standalone Adolescent HIV' clinics. School setting having peer-based counselling provision was recommended. Age disaggregated health data is required to inform the policymakers about adolescents’ specific needs for developing interventions. Situational analysis to identify and shape health priorities of adolescents is recommended.
Klíčová slova:
Pediatrics – Children – HIV infections – Health care policy – India – Adolescents – Pediatric infections
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