Stable carbon isotope diagnostics of mammalian metabolism, a high-resolution isotomics approach using amino acid carboxyl groups

Autoři: Brian Fry aff001;  James F. Carter aff002
Působiště autorů: Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University, Nathan, Queensland, Australia aff001;  Queensland Health Forensic and Scientific Services, Coopers Plains, Queensland, Australia aff002
Vyšlo v časopise: PLoS ONE 14(10)
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0224297


The carbon isotopic compositions of amino acids are increasingly measured to characterize diets and metabolic response to diets. We report a new high-resolution system to measure the stable carbon isotopic composition of carboxyl atoms within amino acids. The automated system used HPLC to separate amino acids followed by addition of ninhydrin for decarboxylation and transfer of the evolved CO2 to a stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer for δ13CCARBOXYL measurement. The ninhydrin reaction was conducted at acidic pH (1.5) and elevated temperature (160 oC) giving yields close to 100% for most common amino acids. Eight mammalian keratin samples from herbivores (kudu and caribou), omnivores (humans) and carnivores (bowhead and humpback zooplanktivorous whales) were analysed with this new system. The data provide an initial calibration of reference materials to be used in studies of this type and is the first report of carboxyl carbon isotope distributions in mammals. Results showed widespread 13C enrichments in both essential and non-essential amino acid carboxyl groups, likely linked to decarboxylation of amino acids during normal metabolism. Analyses of non-essential amino acid isotope profiles showed (1) consistent and general taxon-level metabolic differences between the herbivore, human and whale samples, (2) marked differences among individual humans, ruminants and whales (3) evidence for gluconeogenesis in the wildlife samples, and (4) extensive 13C enrichment likely associated with fasting in the humpback whale sample. Future mammalian research related to the metabolism of growth, reproduction, aging and disease may benefit from using this technique. Values obtained for internationally available samples USGS42 and USGS43 (Tibetan and Indian human hair) provide a first characterization of reference materials for δ13CCARBOXYL profiles.

Klíčová slova:

High performance liquid chromatography – Deer – Whales – Humpback whales – Amino acid analysis – Keratins – Amino acid metabolism – Isotopes


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