Life-course trajectories of body mass index and subsequent cardiovascular risk among Chinese population

Autoři: Md. Tauhidul Islam aff001;  Jette Möller aff001;  Xingwu Zhou aff001;  Yajun Liang aff001
Působiště autorů: Department of Public Health Sciences, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden aff001;  Initiative for Non-Communicable Diseases, Health System and Population Studies Division, icddr,b, Dhaka, Bangladesh aff002;  Department of Medical Sciences, Clinical Physiology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden aff003
Vyšlo v časopise: PLoS ONE 14(10)
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0223778



Examining body mass index (BMI) change over life course is crucial for cardiovascular health promotion and prevention. So far, there is very few evidence on the long-term change of BMI from childhood to late life. This study aimed to examine the life-course trajectory patterns of BMI and then to link the trajectory patterns to cardiovascular risk factors in adulthood.


Based on longitudinal data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey, 5276 participants (aged 6–60) at baseline (in 1989) with up to 7 measurements of BMI during 1989–2009 were selected in this study. Cardiovascular risk factors including high blood pressure, high blood glucose and high blood lipids were assessed in 2411 participants in 2009. Latent growth curve modelling was used to analyse the BMI trajectories, and logistic regression was used to examine the associations between trajectory patterns and cardiovascular risk factors.


Four trajectories patterns of BMI over life course (age 6–80) were identified: Normal-Stable (22.4% of the total participants), Low normal-Normal-Stable (44.1%), Low normal-Normal-Overweight (27.2%), and Overweight-Obese (4.3%). Compared to those with Normal-Stable pattern, those with Low normal-Normal-Stable pattern, Low normal-Normal-Overweight pattern and Overweight-Obese pattern had higher risk of high blood pressure (odds ratio range = 1.6–6.6), high blood glucose (1.7–9.1), dyslipidemia (2.6–5.9) and having at least two of the three cardiovascular risk factors (3.9–30.9).


Having a stable BMI within normal range over life course is associated with the lowest cardiovascular risk, whereas remaining overweight and obese over life course is associated with the highest cardiovascular risk.

Klíčová slova:

Body Mass Index – Obesity – Childhood obesity – Blood pressure – Hypertension – Medical risk factors – Cardiovascular diseases – Blood sugar


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