Rare earth elements in paddy fields from eroded granite hilly land in a southern China watershed

Autoři: Haibin Chen aff001;  Zhibiao Chen aff001;  Zhiqiang Chen aff001;  Qianyi Ma aff001;  Qingqing Zhang aff001
Působiště autorů: College of Geographical Sciences, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, Fujian, People’s Republic of China aff001;  Key Laboratory of Humid Subtropical Eco-geographical Process (Fujian Normal University), Ministry of Education, Fuzhou, Fujian, People’s Republic of China aff002;  School of History and Geography, Minnan Normal University, Zhangzhou, Fujian, People’s Republic of China aff003
Vyšlo v časopise: PLoS ONE 14(9)
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0222330


There are large amounts of ion-adsorption rare earth resources in the granite red soil region of southern China, and exploitation of rare earth elements (REEs) has caused serious soil erosion and soil pollution in the area. In this study, the spatial variability of soil REEs in Zhuxi watershed, Changting County, southern China, was analyzed using a geostatistics method. The analysis produced several important results: (1) The content of total rare earth elements (TREEs) in the soil samples ranged from 56.04 to 951.76 mg kg−1, with a mean value of 255.34 mg kg−1, which was higher than the background value of soil in China. The REE variables showed strong positive Ce anomalies and strong negative Eu anomalies, with mean values of 2.26 and 0.44, respectively. (2) The contents of TREEs in five subtypes of the soils were different, but they had broadly similar curves of chondrite-normalized REE patterns, with steeper patterns from La to Eu and flatter patterns from Eu to Y. (3) The spatial variability of light rare earth elements (LREEs) was mainly affected by natural factors, but the spatial variabilities of heavy rare earth elements (HREEs) and TREEs were influenced by the combination of natural factors and anthropogenic factors. Soil erosion can contribute significantly to REE migration, especially for HREEs. (4) The distribution of TREEs showed that the high content of TREEs was in the lowland of the western watershed. By comparing the distributions of TREEs in paddy fields and hilly land, we found that the area with a high content of TREEs was greater in paddy fields than in hilly land, so we deduced that REEs migrate from hilly land to the paddy field and accumulate in the soil there.

Klíčová slova:

Physical sciences – Chemistry – Computer and information sciences – Mathematics – Probability theory – Chemical elements – Earth sciences – Geomorphology – Erosion – Mineralogy – Minerals – Granite – Geography – Geoinformatics – Geostatistics – Cartography – Topographic maps – Probability distribution – Skewness – Normal distribution – Ecology and environmental sciences – Pollution – Water pollution


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