Injury severity level and associated factors among road traffic accident victims attending emergency department of Tirunesh Beijing Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A cross sectional hospital-based study

Autoři: Rediet Fikru Gebresenbet aff001;  Anteneh Dirar Aliyu aff002
Působiště autorů: Department of Clinical Trial, Armauer Hansen Research Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia aff001;  Department of Public Health, Jimma University College of Public Health, Jimma, Ethiopia aff002
Vyšlo v časopise: PLoS ONE 14(9)
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0222793



Road Traffic Accidents have become an enormous global public health problem killing approximately 1.25 million people and injuring 20 to 50 million others yearly. It is the 10th leading cause of death universally and the number one cause of mortality of the young population between the ages of 5 and 29. Only few studies have been conducted on the severity of road traffic injuries in Ethiopia hence the need for the study.


To assess injury severity level and associated factors among road traffic accident victims.


A cross-sectional study of patients involved in road traffic accident and attended Tirunesh Beijing hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Victims were consecutively recruited until sample size (164) attained during the study period. Data collectors administered a structured questionnaire. The collected data was then entered and cleaned using Epi info and exported to IBM SPSS for statistical analysis. Independent factors associated with injury severity were assessed using bivariate and multivariate logistic regression.


A total of 164 road traffic injury victims were included to the study. Prevalence of severe injury accounted for 36.6% of cases. “can read and write” educational status OR 35.194(95% CI; 3.325–372.539), sustaining multiple injury OR 18.400(95% CI; 5.402–62.671), sustaining multiple injury type OR 6.955(95% CI; 1.716–28.185) and being transported by ambulance from the scene of accident OR 13.800(95% CI; 1.481–128.635) were the explanatory variables found to have a statistically significant association with severe injury.


This study showed road traffic accident is predominantly affecting the economically active, male young population. Not a single victim received pre-hospital care, majority were extracted by bystanders and most used commercial vehicle to be transported to a health institution reflecting the need for improvements in pre-hospital emergency services and socio-economic related infrastructures.

Klíčová slova:

Critical care and emergency medicine – Socioeconomic aspects of health – Schools – Roads – Ambulances – Ethiopia – Traumatic injury – Road traffic collisions


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