Reasons to care: Personal motivation as a key factor in the practice of the professional foster carer in Romania
Alexandru Neagoe aff001; Doina Larisa Maria Neag aff001; Daniel Lucheș aff002
Působiště autorů:
Department of Social Work, The West University of Timișoara, Timișoara, Romania
aff001; Department of Sociology, The West University of Timișoara, Timișoara, Romania
Vyšlo v časopise:
PLoS ONE 14(9)
Research Article
Personal motivation is a key factor in the service of foster care, impending both on the welfare of the child and on the satisfaction of the carer. This paper explores the benefits, challenges and dilemmas involved in the job of professional (i.e. state-supported) foster carer in Romania–a country where the issue of child protection has drawn a great deal of international attention over the last thirty years. The principal hypothesis concerns whether the benefits, challenges and dilemmas identified by foster carers are influenced by the factors that led to their taking up this kind of work. Quantitative research was conducted using a questionnaire as the main tool. The paper takes a descriptive, cross-sectional and multifactorial approach. Sampling was carried out by self-selecting method, and the study involved 51 participants. The research project identified a statistically significant variation in the challenges and dilemmas reported by foster carers. Thus, the results of the study show that the majority of the carers indicate a primarily intrinsic motivation for their work. By way of conclusion, it is argued that social workers, operating in collaboration with multidisciplinary teams, can offer carers support in managing more difficult periods in the child–carer relationship, thus enhancing the sustainability of the foster care service.
Klíčová slova:
Biology and life sciences – Research and analysis methods – Neuroscience – Cognitive science – Cognitive psychology – Psychology – Social sciences – Sociology – People and places – Population groupings – Professions – Geographical locations – Europe – Medicine and health sciences – Pediatrics – Economics – Research design – Public and occupational health – Labor economics – Behavior – Survey research – Age groups – Children – Families – Salaries – European Union – Questionnaires – Epidemiology – Medical risk factors – Social cognition – Social psychology – Traumatic injury risk factors – Prosocial behavior – Anthropology – Cultural anthropology – Religion – Criminology – Crime – Child abuse – Altruistic behavior – Romania
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