Antioxidant properties of potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.) as a consequence of genetic potential and growing conditions

Autoři: Anna Jadwiga Keutgen aff001;  Elżbieta Wszelaczyńska aff002;  Jarosław Pobereżny aff002;  Agnieszka Przewodowska aff003;  Włodzimierz Przewodowski aff003;  Dorota Milczarek aff004;  Beata Tatarowska aff004;  Bogdan Flis aff004;  Norbert Keutgen aff001
Působiště autorů: BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Division of Vegetables and Ornamentals at the Department of Crop Sciences, Vienna, Austria aff001;  UTP University of Science and Technology, Department of Microbiology and Food Technology, Bydgoszcz, Poland aff002;  Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute (IHAR) – National Research Institute, Bonin Research Center, Bonin, Poland aff003;  PlantBreeding and Acclimatization Institute (IHAR) - National Research Institute, Młochów Research Center, Młochów, Poland aff004
Vyšlo v časopise: PLoS ONE 14(9)
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0222976


The concentrations of the bioactive compounds in potato tubers are determined by both genetic potential and environmental factors. The purpose of the experiment was to determine the influence of organic and integrated production on the expression of the genetic potential with respect to the antioxidant properties of potato tubers and to evaluate its stability under different environmental conditions. This phenotyping was performed on seven new breeding lines (tetraploid clones) and three modern cultivars: Jelly, Satina and Tajfun. The results indicated that production system and location significantly influenced the antioxidant capacity measured by FRAP method. Organic farming and the location Chwałowice were characterized by higher values. Furthermore, anitioxidative capacity measured by FRAP method was correlated with chlorogenic acid content (r = 0.590**) and glutathione fractions, especially with the reduced form (GSH, r = 0.692**). Multidimensional comparative analysis (MCA) proved a better development of antioxidant properties of potato tubers in the organic cultivation system when compared with the integrated. Especially favorable were growing conditions at Boguchwała (organic) and worst at Młochów (integrated). From all investigated varieties, the best antioxidant properties were found in ‘Satina’ and ‘Jelly’. Clones TG-97-403 and 13-VIII-45 developed the weakest health promoting traits.

Klíčová slova:

vitamin C – Antioxidants – Glutathione – Potato – Phenols – Tubers – Organic farming


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