Decontamination of aerosolised bacteria from a pig farm environment using a pH neutral electrochemically activated solution (Ecas4 anolyte)

Autoři: Sangay Tenzin aff001;  Abiodun David Ogunniyi aff001;  Manouchehr Khazandi aff001;  Sergio Ferro aff002;  Jonathon Bartsch aff003;  Simon Crabb aff002;  Sam Abraham aff004;  Permal Deo aff005;  Darren J. Trott aff001
Působiště autorů: Australian Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance Ecology, School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, The University of Adelaide, Roseworthy SA, Australia aff001;  Ecas4 Australia Pty. Ltd., Mile End South SA, Australia aff002;  Dr Barry Lloyd Pty. Ltd., Gawler SA, Australia aff003;  School of Veterinary and Life Sciences, Murdoch University, Murdoch WA, Australia aff004;  School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, University of South Australia, City East Campus, Playford P1-25, Adelaide SA, Australia aff005
Vyšlo v časopise: PLoS ONE 14(9)
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0222765


An electrochemically activated solution (ECAS), generated by electrolysis of a dilute sodium chloride solution in a four-chamber electrolytic cell (Ecas4), was tested as a sanitising aerosol in eliminating bacteria from the environment of a weaning room vacated 24-48h earlier, at a continuous flow pig farm. An ultrasonic humidifier was used to fill the environment with a fog (droplets with diameters of 1–5 μm) containing 0.25 ppm of hypochlorous acid. The weaning room was fogged for 3 min at 30 min intervals during five hours of aerosol disinfection. An innovative sample treatment with propidium monoazide dye in conjunction with cyclonic air sampling was optimised and adapted for discerning live/dead bacteria in subsequent molecular quantification steps. Without fogging, total bacterial load ranged from 5.06 ± 0.04 to 5.75 ± 0.04 Log10 CFU/m3. After the first hour of fogging, a 78% total bacterial reduction was observed, which further increased to > 97% after the second hour, > 99.4% after the third and 99.8% after the fourth hour, finally resulting in a 99.99% reduction from the farm environment over five hours. Unlike the current formaldehyde spray disinfection protocol, which requires a long empty period because of its hazardous properties, this economically viable and environmentally friendly disinfection protocol may significantly lower downtime. Moreover, ECAS fogging can be easily adapted to a variety of applications, including the elimination of pathogens from livestock farm air environment for disease prevention, as well as decontamination after disease outbreaks.

Klíčová slova:

DNA – Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus – Veterinary diseases – Livestock – Antibiotic resistance – Disinfection – Swine – Fog


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