Biochemical profile and in vitro biological activities of extracts from seven folk medicinal plants growing wild in southern Tunisia

Autoři: Hajer Tlili aff001;  Najjaa Hanen aff001;  Abdelkerim Ben Arfa aff001;  Mohamed Neffati aff001;  Abdelbasset Boubakri aff001;  Daniela Buonocore aff002;  Maurizia Dossena aff002;  Manuela Verri aff002;  Enrico Doria aff002
Působiště autorů: Laboratory of Pastoral Ecosystems and Valorisation of Spontaneous Plants and Microorganisms, Institute of Arid Regions (IRA), Medenine, Tunisia aff001;  Department of Biology and Biotechnology, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy aff002
Vyšlo v časopise: PLoS ONE 14(9)
Kategorie: Research Article
prolekare.web.journal.doi_sk: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0213049


Recently, much attention has been paid to the extracts obtained from plant species in order to analyse their biological activities. Due to the climate diversity in Tunisia, the traditional pharmacopoeia consists of a wide arsenal of medicinal plant species since long used in folk medicine, in foods as spices, and in aromatherapy. Although many of these species are nearly facing extinction, only a small proportion of them have been scientifically studied. Therefore, this study explores the biochemical properties of seven spontaneous plants, which were harvested in the arid Tunisian desert: Marrubium vulgare (L.), Rhus tripartita (Ucria) D.C., Thymelaea hirsute (L.) Endl., Plantago ovata (Forsk.), Herniaria fontanesii (J. Gay.), Ziziphus lotus (L.) and Hyoscyamus albus (L.). Extracts from these plants were found to contain different types of secondary metabolites (polyphenols, flavonoids, condensed tannins, crude saponins, carotenoids and alkaloids) that are involved in important biological activities. The biological activity of the extracts obtained from each Tunisian plant was assessed: first of all, leukaemia and colon cancer cell lines (K-562 and CaCo-2 respectively) were treated with different concentrations of extracts, and then the anti-proliferative activity was observed. The results showed, in particular, how the plant extract from Rhus tripartita significantly inhibits cell proliferation, especially on the K-562 tumour cell line. Subsequently, the anti-inflammatory activity was also assessed, and the results showed that Herniaria fontanesii and Marrubium vulgare possess the highest activity in the group of analysed plants. Finally, the greatest acetylcholinesterase inhibitory effect was exhibited by the extract obtained from Rhus tripartita.

In conclusion, all the Tunisian plants we analysed were shown to contain a remarkable amount of different bio-active compounds, thus confirming their involvement in several biological activities. Rhus tripartita and Ziziphus lotus were shown to be particularly effective in anti-proliferative activity, while Herniaria fontanesii were shown to have the best anti-inflammatory activity.

Klíčová slova:

Biology and life sciences – Biochemistry – Organisms – Eukaryota – Plants – Physical sciences – Chemistry – People and places – Geographical locations – Chemical compounds – Organic compounds – Organic chemistry – Africa – Alkaloids – Antioxidants – Flowering plants – Alcohols – Ethanol – Medicinal plants – Lotus – Acetones – Phenols – Tunisia


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